I am here to support you while you become reacquainted with your authentic self. 

I have been sitting where you are. Unhappy, but not sure why. Empty, but living of full life. Living the dream, but not wanting to get out of bed in the morning.

Despite the work I had been putting in "fixing" myself I found I was tapping out of life through podcasts, audiobooks or going down rabbit holes of research. Stiving to do/ be the best: mother, wife, friend, family member, practitioner, facilitator, employee, neighbor, volunteer (you name it & I was trying to be the best at it 😉) was leaving me exhausted, disconnected and out of alignment. I knew how important the emotional body was, but I was stuck in a pattern all about suppressing emotions...ALL emotions! Even the "good" ones where too hard to manage.

Being in an outward high functioning pattern left me depressed and overwhelmed inside. I found myself disconnecting from my kids by choosing to escape into yet another audiobook. Auto piloting my way through each day made the present moments disappear. When my son looked me in the eyes and said, 'You don't love me, see me or care if I am here!' was a pivotal turning point. Tweens certainly are mirrors to their parents inner turmoil! His words were the repeated refrain I was trying to drown out in my own mind from my childhood...

I am blessed to use the tools I have gathered to help other people look inside themselves to find grace, ease and a renewed outlook on the relationships they participate in each day. Once your relationship with yourself is on solid ground you can show up fully for other around you!

My favorite realization has been-> there is no FIXING needed! Living and learning are what we are embodied to do this go around. Being conscious allows life to unfold in many ways. I am honored you are ready to reframe your choices and are considering one or more of my offering to support you.