About Aubrey Bliss
How to sum up a life lived thus far?

It feels the current me was born the day I delivered my 1st son into this world. In 2014, I enrolled at the Nutrition Therapy Institute where over the course of 15 months (the 1st 8 months of which I was pregnant with my second son) I became a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner. This knowledge allowed me to begin teaching the nutrition portion at Equinox Center of Herbal Studies. In the summer of 2018 I was blessed to attend a workshop with ECoHS at the House of Aromatics in Boulder, Utah.
There I had profound experiences connecting to pieces of myself which had been quietly resting. These seeds of inspiration began to germinate leading me to trust in inspired action. Over the last few years I have been delving into myself; as well as, how I interact with this lovely planet we are all blessed to ride around on. My path has led me to dive deeply into myself with various practitioners, bring concepts of regenerative agriculture to my little piece of land, raise goats, take classes to expand my understanding of my role in this world while integrating the book knowledge I learned when earning my B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago in the early 2000's.
By being open to random opportunities around me. I started using a float tank (sensory deprivation tank) at home, become certified in Be Free Breathwork, complete Reiki levels 1 and 2 while honing my ability to enter my personal sacred space in the Akashic Records. Vivation popped into my awareness and I knew the training was where I needed to be! I am excited to share this modality which has been refined over the last 40+ years while I continue to vive daily.
With Joy!
Aubrey Bliss